Choreo - 1. indicating the art of dancing
Ology - 1. a subject of study; a branch of knowledge.
I have always been intrigued by the ephemeral nature of dance and choreography. A performance exists for a moment as an interaction between the dancers and the audience, and then it is gone. Although video can capture some aspects, much is lost in translation, as any dancer who has ever tried to learn solely from video can attest. Is it possible to record not only the movements of a dance, but also all aspects of a performance, including spacing, timing, energy, emotions, and phrases? This question has driven my exploration of dance notation. As an interdisciplinary artist, I have created a plethora of works in an attempt to capture, record, and reproduce the intangible parts of performance.
All We Know of Heaven (LTW performance IF/THEN 2013) Wood, plastic, glue, glass paint, 9x13x11, 2016 Chris Harris ref#45.67
Accumulation - Acrylic on wood 12x24 2023 Chris Harris ref#52.53
Please join me in the gallery on the First and Second Weekends in November.
6-9pm on First Friday November 3rd, and Saturday November 4th.
And 6-9pm the following weekend Friday November 10 and Second Saturday November 11th.
If you are interested in attending classes to experience the movement meditations shared, classes will be held on Sunday November 5th and Sunday Novemeber 12th.